Welcome! Whether you’re here for the first time, or you’re a lifelong listener of Pastor Simon, or even a member or friend of The House of Prayer, we want to help you find what you’re looking for. If you have questions about how to get involved with the ministry, feel free to reach out at reachingout@hopeforallnations.org or 1-214-949-6485, 1-972-979-7035, 1-817-933-1774, 1-407-360-8280 or explore the options below.
You have heard welcome to church so many time, but for us, it is welcome to life. House of Prayer is growing multicultural church in the heart of Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Our church is an exciting, fun and vibrant place where relationships are easily made and following Jesus Christ gives a person's life real meaning.
We are a modern and active church and have a conviction that Christianity remains as relevant today as ever. As a church we have a vision to serve our community with a message of hope, truth and love. So, if you are looking for a church in Croydon or Sutton that has a heart for people and its community then come along to one of our services where we can meet and get to know you better.
We know the importance of people being able to connect and develop relationships and so we run our small groups as ministries where you can connect with people who share your interests and are quite often at a similar stage in their life as a Christian. We have two types of group these are:
Our vision is to facilitate the transition from adolescence to young adulthood with a view of producing responsible individuals to their family, schools, community, church, body of Christ and the society at large.
We achieve our vision through highlighting the importance of:
Scripture and prayer | Brilliant Minds Reading Club
Lay Preachers Club | True Love Waits Club
Talent Grill (Music, Acting, Modelling, etc)
Education (Academic and Non-academic)
Interpersonal relationships, and finally
Accountability Groups
Our programs are a blast. Once you come this way, you never go back.
A typical meeting starts with life changing ice breakers, poetry, art and dance, intense worship followed by the word for the day. You'll never feel like a stranger, you are family and feel like part of the family the moment you step in.
Between the Child Link and the Christ Teenage Club, we operate a Preteen Ministry based on the philosophy that the mind is a special gift from God. It can potentially store 100 trillion thoughts which could come from good and bad. As the Preteens grow in this rapid changing world, they learn and store the values of the world in their minds from friends, the social media, television and more.
The Preteen campers will experience in-depth bible study that will show them how they can use their minds for God and make an impact on their world for Christ.
It is going to be a great time to bond through bible lessons, fun activities, games and spiritual discussions.
Here, at the Christ Teenage Club, we are focused on helping you to discover the real you while you are still young and sound. The aim is to help you develop great and long lasting relationships in all areas of your life. We also focus on getting you ready and prepared for marriage and allowing God to deploy His plans for your life in regards to an everlasting relationship that leads to marriage.
Being single is a stage and a blessing in your life; you must discover, learn and relish in the understanding and acceptance of where you are without being impatient or anxious. Focus on doing and enjoying the perfect will of God in your life – this is what makes you sound.
The House of Prayer Women of Virtue realise their uniqueness and true identity as daughters of the King; thereby they continue to nurture within themselves strength, confidence and a robust self-image through fellowship, teaching and sharing the love of Christ.
We help create an atmosphere where women of all ages and backgrounds can let their hair down, be real, have fun and enjoy positive relationships with one another – a place where women are valued, refreshed, strengthened and equipped to fulfil their purposes in life.
It is also a place where they unlock the sparkle, colour and the inner beauty that exists within every woman.Unleash into the world women whose beauty is magnetic, whose joy is contagious, whose passion is irresistible and whose quality is unrivalled.
We recognise that true manhood is synonymous with Christ-likeness, and therefore aspire to reflect the true image of God in all aspects of our lives.
We acknowledge that our true essence is a direct result of our relationship with God. We therefore seek to be godly men: to be men after God's own heart; to walk with God; to live a life that pleases Him; and to know and love Him more and more each day. We acknowledge that our effectiveness is a direct result of our relationship with people – our family, friends and the society at large. We therefore seek gentlemen, who combine strength and sensitivity; courage and compassion; and to demonstrate that our true significance is a direct result of our relationship with God and one another. We seek to be great men, who are secure in their identity and yet aspire to be all that God has called them to be. And we commit to be men of integrity, who live full and exceeding lives and to make a mark on our generation.