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Thanksgiving: A New Strategy for Watching

Writer's picture: Dr. Simon OlatunjiDr. Simon Olatunji

Today’s Scripture Threshings for Sunday, February 24, 2019

Today’s Text: Colossians 4:2-6

Key Verse: ”Continue stedfastly in prayer, watching therein with thanksgiving.” (vs. 2, ASV)

We have heard how we are to watch and pray. We have also been told how the Lord sets us on the walls of our cities as watchmen for Him. However, in two clearly stated commands, the apostle Paul gives us a new New Testament directive on a new system and strategy to fulfill our charge to watch. No doubt, we have the responsibility to continue to persevere in the place of fervent prayer; but as we pray, God wants us to be vigilant for occasions of thanksgiving.

Sometimes, we are so buried in our needs and petition that we do not realize that those things that we seek are already delivered and done. Our eyes are so closed and our head buried on the sky so much that we don’t realize what’s going on around. Therefore our new strategy for victory is to watch — to be vigilant, alert, attentive — to see what God is doing in and around us.

We have tendencies in our lives: to be so worried that faith is reduced to zero point. Or at other times to be so selfish that we become unmindful of the Lord's blessings in our lives. That’s just how the enemy would rather have us. He knows that we rob ourselves of greater blessings so long as we take any mercy and/or undeserved gift of God in our lives for granted. An adage says that whoever gives thanks positions himself for better goodwill. We forget to give thanks for each and every grace in our life. That is why the apostle charged us to open our eyes to what God is doing in our lives. We are not only to watch out against the crafts of satan, but we must watch for the kindness of God.

Are you pained and praying over any matter in your life, God wants you to pray, yes! But he also wants you be watchful for opportunities to give thanks. Whereas you think you’re all alone, in the world, in that circumstance; but if only you can open your eyes (both physically and spiritually), you’d always find something in that situation for which you could also give thanks. For instance, as you pray for healing, should you not also be grateful that you are alive? As you pray for help on your overdue rent, should you not be grateful that you have a shelter?

God wants us to pay attention to prayer, but He wants us also to pay careful attention to His numerous kindness in our lives — His saving grace, the gift of life, abundant provision and marvelous promises. In our lives, in our desperate needs, even in our deepest sorrows, trials and travails, God is with us, and so are His goodness that we may be thankful for.

Quote for the Day: “The only currency that you have the right to mint and expend lavishly and not be bankrupt is thanksgiving. It avails us to worry less and deals with discontent.” (Simon Olatunji)

Prayer: Dear LORD, as we offer our gratitude to you for all the love that surrounds our days, may greatest doors of goodness open before our gaze. Help us to be thoughtful of you grace, and be thankful for your love, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

With all my Love and Prayer,

Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD

The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),

2321 S Belt Line Rd., Suite 144,

Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA


BBMme: E3F988D2

[Today’s Scripture Threshings is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA. Feel free to use it in your family altar and personal quiet times; and to contact us for further enquiry, help and partnership.]

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