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Wanted Urgently—Burden Bearers!

Writer's picture: Dr. Simon OlatunjiDr. Simon Olatunji

Today’s Scripture Threshings for Monday, February 18 , 2019

Today’s Text: Galatians 6:1-4

Key Verse: Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” (vs. 2, ASV)

The Galatians have been hankering after legality which makes them leave Christ for Moses, the Gospel for the law, and free justification that is based upon the righteousness of Christ, which brings peace, for the justification that comes by works of the law, which naturally leads to bondage.

Therefore, while they have been reprimanded of this foolishness; Paul thought it right to point them to a better rule to live by: God’s people must commit to one another in growing together, rejoicing together, and if possible, hurting together in the spirit of one body. This is the new covenant law. Just as Christ bore the reproach of all; no member of God's family should ever have to bear grief, or pain, or problems on their own. That’s the “new commandment” bequeathed to us by the Master in John 13:34.

The apostle Paul uses their very context to declare to them this greater law to be fulfilled: "the law of Christ." So that just as Christ's sin-bearing, yoke-sharing ministry to us brought us grace, we too must bear one another's burdens in reflection of Christ, and in fulfillment of His selfless law.

The Church is not needing any more grope in the darkness of legality. We’re impeccable in ceremonial zeal. But we have an urgent need for a people who are so truly yoked with Christ to bear their neighbor's burden, as if it were their own. We are in want for men (male or female) who love their neighbor as themselves (5:14) so much as to give them the same encouragement that they themselves would desire in the same situation. Therefore, we’re to desist from legal burdens (Mt 23:4), instead, we should bear one another's burdens or weights, helping others take up their loads of infirmities, and sustaining them by our counsels, strengthening them by exhortations, and edifying them through prayers.

Quote for the Day: “The new burden of law imposed upon the Christian to bear may be summed in nothing else but love.” (Simon Olatunji)

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to follow in your steps in loving others and in willingness to be poured out as an offering for your sake. In Jesus name. Amen.

With all my Love and Prayer,

Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD

The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),

2321 S Belt Line Rd., Suite 144,

Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA


BBMme: E3F988D2

[Today’s Scripture Threshings is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA. Feel free to use it in your family altar and personal quiet times; and to contact us for further enquiry, help and partnership.]

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