Daily Scripture Threshing for Thursday, March 9, 2023
Today’s Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
Key Verses: Ephesians 2:4–5 (ESV): “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.”
As we continue our spiritual journey through the dimensions of grace, we need to understand why Paul needed to teach Ephesians about this concept in the first place. And, that will invariably help us to understand why this is relevant to us. The name of the city, Ephesus, means desirable. It was so named for the attractiveness of the location; which made it to become a rallying center for the Greco-Roman Empire: a melting point for different cultures and traditions—which may be likened to today’s America or other places in the West.
Like it is today, tolerance and permissiveness made even believers to start forsaking their original love for Jesus Christ, and the church at Ephesus had embraced power and control rather than service, sacrifice, and love. Rather than embrace the grace of Christ, it had adopted a theology of hate and anger as the means of or to influence. Such a major similarity with today’s Christianity and church. So, Paul thinks that the missing link is this: people easily forget the truth of God’s grace and are gradually drawn into two possible extremes—licentious or lasciviousness. So, he reminds us how important it is to always seek to walk worthy of the grace that we are freely given.
He high-lighted how God gave us measures of His grace as long as we are able to walk in practical humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance, diligence, and preservation of our unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace. Where the dimension of grace comes in is that we can’t do any of these by a mere struggle of the flesh. Grace gives us ability to develop fruits of the Spirit and live godly lifestyle of a difference in the world. To Titus Paul reaffirms this truth that grace teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness, and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2: 12)
Quote for the Day: “The administration and work of grace is in the fact that the Holy Spirit helps us realign and rectify our conduct each time we encounter a surge of the adamic seed." (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for Your grace us always sufficient for me. I pray that You help me wherever my strength fails me. I need Your sufficient grace for renewed strength in my weakness all the time — in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.
Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)
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[Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA distributed for free use by individuals, small groups, families, and Christian churches]
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