Daily Scripture Threshing for Monday, October 18, 2021
Today’s Text: John 6:1-21
Key Verses: John 6:9 (ESV): “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?”

We serve a God that specializes in turning things around. He delights in taking small things up, and in turning them into great and mighty things. He said, “though your beginning was small, your later end should greatly increase,” (Job 8:7) Andrew, one of Jesus’ disciples wondered what the Lord would make of a little boy’s small lunch. That’s why he asked, “what are they for so many?” In what aspect of your life are you also doubting God? What is that small thing in/of your life that you think is too hopeless to grow or change? Does your whole life look like five loaves and two fishes in the midst of a crowd? Learn from this poor little boy’s story. He gave up what’s not enough, and got much more in return. You too can put your little life, business, home, vision or what-have-you in the hands of Jesus and watch Him turn your small things around into a huge blessing.
The widow of Zarephath despised her little cruse oil and measure of flour until she gave them over on God’s command. Or was it not written: “I have commanded a widow there to feed you”? (I Kings 17:9) You can never imagine the effect Christ's blessings in your life until you place your little things in His hands. It is then alone that He can handle those things in His own way, by His own power, His provision, His means of grace, His methods, and His ordering power of increase. Don’t you ever despise your little light. Never think you don’t have much to offer. Little is much when Jesus is in it. Your little light can be the brightest sunrise that nations have been waiting for. God turned the little light of Edward Kimball, a Boston based Sunday school teacher into the great light that brought D. L. Moody to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God specializes in taking small and meaningless things, and making them great.
Quote for the Day: “The lowly and the despised things are a special attraction to God. When we yield them up, He lifts them up.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for your greatness. I am thankful because I know that when I am weak, you are strong. I am confident that you will always turn things around for my good, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop)
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