Daily Scripture Threshing for Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Today’s Text: Psalm 92:1-15
Key Verses: Psalm 92:1,2 (ESV): “It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. To declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night.”
Today makes it exactly 3 years that my mom, Lydia Mopelola Arinpe Olatunji walked the path of Saints triumphant into her rewards. While she was on our side of Jordan, today’s key verse was her life’s golden text. She woke up each morning, and sang "How Great the Father’s Love For Me" and while she retired in the evenings she heartily sang, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." She kept a unique tradition of reminding us how good it is to give thanks to God and show forth His loving kindness in the morning, and His faithfulness every night. And, indeed, today, as I remember her, I am full of gratitude for God’s rich graces that truly abounds to us all. She exemplified a lifestyle of gratitude till she breathed her last.
As we all look back at things that have occurred through past years, and as this very year is fast running to its end; we have her memory, and this text, to remind us to reflect on all the goodness of God. We can be grateful for all that God has bestowed upon us by His goodness, and many gifts of love in our lives. Each twist and turn in your life is a reminder to count your blessings, and name them. You must not be tempted to be distracted by any of the winding pathway you’ve been through. Just look around you; you’d see everything to be thankful for, including those things that came at you in ways you never wanted.
Why should we complain when we have been so altogether blessed by such rich and manifold grace we do not deserve. When we work, we receives a fair pay for our time and call it wages. We compete and get a trophy, and call that a prize. When we serve meritoriously, we get a recognition, and call that an award. But what do we call all the bounteous goodnesses we are neither capable of earning nor are we ever able to claim we deserve? We must remember to give thanks always for all the unmerited favor that we we all receive from/of God.
Quote for the Day: “while baffled by the seeming triumph of ungodliness and the presence of evil in the world; we cannot but be even more overwhelmed by our consciousness of God amazing love that gives us triumph over evil.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank You for Your love for us. Thank you for comforting us when we’re downcast, discouraged or even despairing. You never deride us, chide us, or hide Your face from us—instead You always comfort us. O Father of all mercies, I thank You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop)
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