Daily Scripture Threshing for Saturday, September 26, 2020
Today’s Text: Matthew 19:1-12
Key Verses: Matthew 19:6 (KJV) — “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

This generation misses God’s best for man and woman relationship called marriage because it does not know or understand His (God’s) desires for family. And anyone who fails to know the purpose of something is bound to misuse or abuse it. As a full-time gospel minister for about 3 decades, I’ve seen a staggering percentage of marriages ending in divorce. I’ve also seen an incredibly large number of those who survive divorce or threatened divorce continue to miss God’s purpose for their union. But I've also seen a good number of encouraging martial success stories. I am certain that Jesus watched how a lot that men bring into this glorious estate those things that really put us apart from God’s intention for marriage, therefore, takes the opportunity to address it. He must want to help move our marriages or future ones in the direction of God’s plan.
Our Lord’s vision of marriage in today’s text is revealed in His focus on the evil in the human system which multiplies or promotes opportunity and reasons for divorce. Our system treat as temporary what God designed to be permanent, and reduces it to a matter of social progression at will. We often quote the text as “let no man;” and we are not wrong to do so; but in the original text, the best idea is “let not man put asunder.” In order words, nothing humanly possible is allowed to break up your promise to yourself in that spiritually founded mutuality. If Jesus’ assertion here is understood and obeyed, all efforts of ministers and legislators would be directed to support, uphold and promote the standard of permanence of marriage and not putting separation.
Quote for the Day: "Marriage is an institution of God and must be governed by the law of God, not by the lust of men..” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: No marriage is ever beyond repair, Lord, and there is always hope for those who put their trust in You. O God, please restore true love between our families. Help us tear down all the walls we have built, and heal our broken hearts, in Jesus name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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