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God’s “Let” Diary (Part 104) — Let Him Be Your Minister

Writer's picture: Dr. Simon OlatunjiDr. Simon Olatunji

Daily Scripture Threshing for Sunday, September 27, 2020

Today’s Text: Matthew 20:20-28

Key Verses: Matthew 20:26 (KJV) — “But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister.

Each of us seems to have a definition of greatness somewhere lurking withi. Whatever it is, it influences our vision, ambition and passion. But, how our Lord defines true greatness will probably, or should, change our mindset forever. In today's text, He wants us to realize how wrong our definition of greatness is. So, He tells us point blank that true greatness is being a servant. Of course, you’d agree that He is the greatest person of all time; yet He demonstrates this profound spiritual truth by living the life of a servant. Philippians 2:6-7 gives a clear dossier of Christ: “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Among the women that followed Jesus were: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee who was (the latter) ambitious to the point that she desired the greatest office for her children among others. In many ways we are like her. We channel talent, abilities and charisma to accomplish what others have not or cannot do to have edge over them, and lay claim to greatness. Jesus saw that the drive for greatness would give birth to competition rather than collaboration, so He shows us a better way here. The greatest ambition of a Christlike life is the pursuit of greatness that is founded upon humility and service. Of course, service may or may not lead to greatness; but it is itself, in the order of Christ, the truest and highest greatness.

Quote for the Day: "The greatest ambition of a Christlike life is the pursuit of greatness that is founded upon humility and service.” (Simon Olatunji)

Prayer: Dear Lord, please give methe your strength to humble myself in service; and as I serve, give me a dimming sense of self and the greater revelation of Your glory, in Jesus name. Amen.

With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD

The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),

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