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God’s “Let” Diary (Part 121) — Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Writer's picture: Dr. Simon OlatunjiDr. Simon Olatunji

Daily Scripture Threshing for Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Today’s Text: John 14:1-4

Key Verses: John 14:1 (KJV) — “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Is there any doubt that people are not passing through the best of times? Are nations of the world not troubled and roughened? Reports from homelands and far away countries break our hearts and cause us to panic. When our Lord was on earth, He walked and traversed a highly troubled generation also. And He understands that, perhaps, the most dreaded diseases in the world is "heart trouble." That disease is no repecter of person, and so it was crucial that our Lord should caution His called-out ones. He wants them to know that they can still have peace in spite of all the unrest in the world. The text before us this morning sets three things that Jesus said before us: things that brought comfort to His troubled disciples. And I trust the Lord that meditating on the same things shall bring us comfort as well.

Aren’t we troubled when we are betrayed?! The disciples were soon going to be troubled because their Lord will be betrayed by one of them. Their shepherd was soon going to be striked, and they would certainly scatter. They were going to be hated by men and delivered to their persecutors hands. Therefore, the Lord admonished them to believe in God. When we are already so buffered and troubled, and all our human trusts fail us; we need no more argument, or persuasion, to induce us to believe in God, do we?! We believed in our imperfect leaders and they have all failed us woefully. Our friends and family fail us also. But for us not to be troubled in or by all these things; we must redirect our trust to God. We can trust God both for who He is, and for what He has done. Whereas Christ’s departure from earth leaves us wondering how to cope in a world filled with temptations, trials, terror and troubles, we not to be hopeless because we are not helpless. We must continue to believe in God.

Quote for the Day: “Why is it big deal to trust God in this troubled times? Iris big deal because trust in Christ is the secret of a blessed and quiet heart regardless of outward situation or condition.” (Simon Olatunji)

Prayer: Dear Lord, I ask for a humble heart that yields to Your will with joy. Help me to follow when You lead. Qualify me for Your honor, in Jesus name. Amen

With all my love and prayers,

Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD

The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),

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