Daily Scripture Threshing for Friday, October 23, 2020
Today’s Text: John 18:1-14
Key Verses: John 18:8 (KJV) — “Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way.”

We all seem to expect so much from a generation of whom we have already been forewarned. Yesterday’s devotion featured our Lord’s admonition to put our only trust and confidence in Him, and be cheerfully ready for the trouble of the present world. And indeed, it has been a viperous generation since the days of Christ. It is even worse these days because of our reckless abandon of caution. Events unfolding in Nigeria and around the world is only a fraction of prophetic facts. We belong to a restive and war-like generation in which people can only act after their kind, according to their seed and light. They know nothing of the weapons of spiritual warfare. They fight in, and/or according, to the flesh. That is why there is so much brute dealings and blood. Only those who fight on their knees see true victory. On the dayJesus was betrayed, armed men were ready for a showdown; but the conquering peace of the Master melted their evil intention.
Peter would draw the sword and fight for his Lord, or his life; but it ends up a lesson for us. Whenever in provocations, believers must follow the restrain of Christ. We must contain our zeal within the bounds of our calling. No doubt, many of us would like to brave up and braze up. We like to play the men for the sake of our land and Master. Peter at least dealt one blow for his Lord; but no: Jesus would have us hold our peace. He defends His own. He fights all our battles. His position is always “peace be still.” See what Jesus said to the armed bandits: “If therefore ye seek me, let these go their way.” Unlike our wicked leaders and politicians, our Lord always defends His own from the cohorts of the evil ones. Our earthly kings and chosen rulers expose us to danger, but the Good Shepherd both shields us and goes forth before us to meet the danger. Let us therefore be calm, and watch for the salvation of the Lord. Let this admonition strengthen you.
Quote for the Day: “Our earthly kings and chosen rulers expose us to danger, but the Good Shepherd both shields us and goes forth before us to meet the danger.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, except you help us, our hearts will fail us. Please give us confidence in the midst of battles, in Jesus name. Amen
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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