Daily Scripture Threshing for Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Today’s Text: 1 Timothy 2: 9–15
Key Verses: 1 Timothy 2:11 (KJV) — “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.”
It is our second day on our journey through a deeper understanding of this unclear and hotly-debated passage of Paul. Yesterday, we laid some foundations to biblical methods of interpretation. We are still on our first consideration, which is looking through the unity of scriptural revelation to enquire into an isolated unclear text. We started enquiring into ministry of women in the Bible. Out first example was Miriam the daughter of Amram and Jochebed, older sister of Moses who is said to be a Old Testament Prophetess. The Lord spoke through her in Numbers 12:2. However, apart from her, we have Deborah, a Judge who also prophesied to Barak: “Look, the Lord, the God of Israel, has commanded” (Judg. 4:4-6); there was also Huldah who uses a direct prophetic introduction: “Thus says the Lord God of Israel…” in 2 Kings 22:15 and 2 Chron. 34:22); and Nehemiah 6:14 names Noadiah, another woman Prophetess. And one of scripture’s most notable messianic prophet, Isaiah, also spoke of “the Prophetess” in chapter 8 verse 3.
Tomorrow, we shall be looking at some prophetess in the New Testament and in the ministry of Jesus. This, if all through scripture, women participated in this first class dimension of grace, does Paul’s “let the woman learn in silence with all subjection” truly mean that women should not be ministers? Already, 1 Peter 2:5 tells us of the priesthood of every believer, man or woman, has access to God through Christ, the true High Priest, and is capable of receiving from and speaking for God without any further priestly mediator. This introduces an equality element of all Christians. In Acts 10:15, God warned Peter: "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Therefore, do not let anyone mislead you into disallowing what God allows. Priests serve at the tabernacle and temple. They intercede on behalf of people; they speak for God; offer daily prayers and sacrifices to atone for their sins and the sins of the people. Of course, under the new covenant, priests are no longer required to atone for people's sin, yet we function as leaders and have been given different ministry graces and gifts. And “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal. 3:28.
Quote for the Day: ”Part of the blessings of Pentecost is the genuine operation of the Spirit of God which brings people together on an equal ground, and from different education, gender, race, culture, language, and economy.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to understand your truth, and walk in genuine love: an attitude that accepts and celebrates others, in Jesus name. Amen.
DAY 3 OF 21 DAYS OF DOMONION: Please join our ongoing 21 Days of Operation Daniel Fasting & Prayer with daily gathering in church between 9 and 10pm CST. Use the words of Psalm 30:1-5 to pray, today, against any spiritual Leviathan that may want to perpetuate or is peroetuating shadows of the past.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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