Daily Scripture Threshing for Thursday, July 9, 2020
Today’s Text: Esther 5:1-14
Key Verses: Esther 5:8 (KJV): “If I have found favour in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition, and to perform my request, let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare for them, and I will do to morrow as the king hath said.”
There is no doubt that as believers in Christ, we have power with God, and like Jacob; and in this case, like Esther, we have power with men too. But in today’s scriptural “Let” episode, we shall be taking a look at what makes us Christian or, better put, what makes us Christlike in the exercise of our power. The phrase “let the king and Haman come” in our text is a “preflection” of our Lord’s teaching to love those who hate us and pray for those that despitefully use us. And of course, Jesus laid for us a lifestyle example that we should follow. There was no violence ever from His mouth, and no sword in His hands, yet Jesus conquered the world. There is an untold power in love.
Haman was a known sworn enemy of the Jews; but Esther chose to pathway of love to overcome his hates. She lets him in her royal banquet. The king of Aram came to surround Dothan city to arrest and destroy Elisha, but the prophet made a feast for Aram’s army (2 Kgs 6:8-23). For those who stoned Steven to death, the martyr spent his last energy praying forgiveness for them (Acts 7:59). Our Lord faced the agony of death in the hands of bitter men but He prayed the father to forgive them for they know not what they are doing (Luke 23:34). The word of God teaches us how blessed it is when we are merciful; how happy we are when our enemies are hungry and we give them food. Unfortunately, many of us despise this victory of love. We prefer fire, brimstone and sword whereas there’s no better triumph than righteousness. We forget the spirit that we are given, and prefer to call down fire from heaven like the Sons of Thunder.
As a Jew, Esther is a type of New Testament believer in Christ. She may not have been so redeemed by the blood of Jesus, but she understands Jehovah’s plan to overcome her enemy. She prefigured Bible teaching of heaping burning coals on enemy’s head (Prov 25:22). If Esther (before a proud heathen king) lived up to this standard; we who profess the King of kings (who bestows love and grace) are left without excuses. She was neither saved nor called as we are; the Holy Spirit of promise was not given to her as unto us; yet she walked in the victory of love, trampled hate and crushed the wicked plans of the enemy. She did all these through the conquering love of God — we too can!
Quote for the Day: "There was no violence ever from His mouth, and no sword in His hands, yet Jesus conquered the world, setting us an example of the conquering power of love.“ (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Lord God of Heaven, Father of all mercies and love, fill me with Your spirit of love that overcomes hate and conquers oppression, in Jesus name. Amen.
With all my love and prayer,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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