Daily Scripture Threshing for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Today’s Text: Psalm 20:9 - 21:13
Key Verses: Psalm 20:9 (KJV): “Save, Lord: Let the king hear us when we call.”

Prayer is expressing our trust in God. We do not pray to God because He is unwilling to help or save us so that we need to slavishly cringe and beg him to do so. We pray because it’s important we declare that our confidence is in Him. It is through prayer that we affirm our trustful reliance on Yahweh through our petition for Him to do what He promised. All through his life and reign, David expresses confidence in Yahweh, the King of heaven and the King of kings. He believes God will save him, the king whom he sets over his people (vs. 6). He never fails to express that confidence in prayer. Notice the clause “let the king hear us when we call,” not if we call. this means that prayer must because a necessary and essential part of us. David’s life was buffeted by battles round about, and so his heart is always filled with gratitude for victories over past battles and unceasing petitions for help over continuously raging wars. As Christians, we must continue to confirm, affirm and asserts our trust in the God of our salvation.
He was a powerful king that was blessed with so much grace; yet he has his own share of life’s many troubles. This teaches us that the rich and great also cry. It teaches that all of us, great or small must put our trust always only in God. It also teaches us that no matter how great and blessed we are, we must never cease to reference the One greater and higher. Although David was a powerful king, yet he would not go forth to war without imploring the help of the Greater than the greatest king, the King of all kings and nations. By this prayer, David asserts his trust in God. He reaffirms the same in his testimony in Psalm 65:2: “You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.” Is there anything in your life right now that confronts you? I invite you to trust in this testimony that there’s no burden too heavy that all flesh may not cast upon a God. He wants us to cast every burden on Him in prayer. We don’t have to carry any burden on our own. But he also wants us to never forget our dependence on Him in times of our success and triumph. Through prayer, we have an all-time enlarging opportunity to affirm our triumph in God, and in His revelation to us. Living the life of prayer, therefore, is living in confidence and dependence on God. This is one major thing that distinguishes us from those that live without God in the world.
Quote for the Day: "Prayer is expressing our trust in God. We do not pray to God because He is unwilling to help or save us so that we need to slavishly cringe and beg him to do so. We pray because it’s important we declare that our confidence is in Him.“ (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Gracious God, I need your grace to accept my limits and to trust you more each day. I need greater willingness to cast my burden on you. Lift all my burdens, O Lord, and help me, in Jesus name. Amen.
With all my love and prayer,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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