Daily Scripture Threshing for Sunday, August 2, 2020
Today’s Text: Ecclesiastes 9:7-8
Key Verses: Ecclesiastes 9:8 (KJV) — “Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment.”

Is there any doubt that we live at the edge of time; and the reaper’s sickle is about ready to harvest the remnant of the saints? Is the enemy of man not wounded and resolved to not give up the battle for souls? Is he not seeking more to pollute and possess? And whereas the days are increasingly evil, are not the children of light fastened to a deep sleep? Whatever anyone thinks of these; I am persuaded that God deliberately provoked Solomon to perceive the growing vanity of man. He saw how we are becoming more desensitized by the present evil world; how pursuit of vanity vexes our souls and corrupts our passion. He saw how we are now beginning to enjoy things that once shocked us. He saw how permissive the Church would be, or now is; and the present invasion of sexual perversion, slackened morality — the loss of our sense of duty to God. Or, he probably saw more.
Whatever it is that Solomon perceived, or saw; it definitely did not represent something looking good. He saw filth, and believes that God’s pattern for man is for a life that depicts the pure priestly robes worn in the temple services. We are not sure if he caught a glimpse of the apocalyptic vision in which God’s kingdom is only filled with white-robed saints; but he was moved to point us to the joy in a life that is marked by purity. And the charge "let thy garments be always white" is a personal call. It is to each believer. Each of us is to see that his own spiritual appearance before the Lord is pure. Each brother, sister and minister must take care of his own personal holiness — with an unequivocal emphasis on "always." That is, there must not be a single careless moment. This is a call to demonstrate the purity of heart and life that qualifies the regenerate man to stand before God.
Quote for the Day: "Prayer brings down the miraculous hands of God; but there is nothing more precursory to genuine divine revival than a life of holiness.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: O God, purge my heart and make it pure as your temple. Purge my words and make it man’s example, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
With all my love and prayer,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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