Daily Scripture Threshing for Monday, August 24, 2020
Today’s Text: Ezekiel 43:1-9
Key Verses: Ezekiel 43:9 (KJV) — “Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever.”
We were all possibly told at the Sunbeam that God lives in heaven. This is scriptural true and backed. But something is even truer. As I grow in my relationship with, and knowledge of God, I realize that the belief is only correct to some extent, it is not actually complete. The people of Israel experienced the dwelling of the Lord's glory in their temple. Like Isaiah, Ezekiel literally saw God’s supernatural luster fill the temple courts with the attendant angel being by his (the prophet’s) side. He heard God’s mighty voice as the sound of many waters, telling him that His Eternal Spirit now lives within the consecrated temple; and therefore no defilement shall henceforth be allowed in the courts. It must be holy unto the Lord. And what he (Ezekiel) describes sets two impressive metaphors of God’s true dwelling place before us. The temple prefigured both the Church and God’s individual child as His dwelling. It has pleased God to reveal Himself, His word, love and mercy through the Church. And by the church, we are not talking of buildings, but individual believers who come to Him have all been admitted into a sacred fellowship in which each becomes the very abode of God.
This saying is true and is worthy of acceptance: God lives within us and sets His throne in our hearts. Our bodies have become His temple, from which His rule, reign and glory is made manifest on earth. For this to happen, His righteous irresistible will must be done through us, and in us on earth as it is in heaven. This an awesome privilege. That God not only loves and redeemed us, but makes our body His temple. We must show our appreciation by reverencing Him. We must sanctify our body for Him in personal holiness, obedience, and honor. We must put away all our defilement of sin. Sin is represented in this prophecy as whoredom: a pollution of the temple of God. The tabernacle that Moses set up and the temple that Solomon dedicated were filled with smoky glory; but we are God's living glory without clouds. We now can behold the glory of the Lord with open face. Therefore, we must cherish this glorious opportunity and nurture it with immense jealousy. We are called to put away any defilement and all carcasses of sin that negotiate and mortgage the return of the divine Shekinah seen in the first and second temples. The glory of divine grace manifested in this latter house must supersede the former, and must shine brightly through us before the world.
Quote for the Day: "Anything in us, and of us, that blows smoke on the glory of God in our lives is whoredom.” (Simon Olatunji)
Prayer: Dear Lord, please take us back into the inner courts of Your glory. Return our whoring spirits back to the place of Your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
With all my love and prayer,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
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