Daily Scripture Threshing for Sunday, November 26, 2023
Re Today’s Text: John 9:13-25
Key Verse: John 9:25 (ESV): “He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that thought I was blind, now I see.””

This cannot be gainsaid: each of us is like this man, in this text, whose blind eyes were open. He presents us a biblical typology of our lives. Like him, we all have been brought out of darkness into Christ’s marvelous light. This is the “one thing” to mark and remark so that nothing else in our lives could or should be better or higher. Take a look at the main thrust of the text: the legalistic religious rulers thought that they knew enough. They asserted their thought that whoever it was that healed the man of his blindness must be one whose life is characterized by sin.
But without apologies, any man of genuine divine encounter gives his own living witness both to the character of Christ, and to the supremacy. See how the man was never a man of argument. Rather, he was a man of conviction—a man of “one thing.” By “One thing I know” he didn’t mean that he was blank and ignorant in other things; no, not in that which the rulers of synagogue opined concerning Jesus; but his focus was on
the chief thing which is more important than all other things said or unsaid. This is the heart of witnessing. Gospel truth is the “One thing” that cannot be gainsaid, or argued: whereas I was blind, now I see.
Quote for the Day: “The spiritual import of this scripture is not physical sight and blindness: an encounter with Christ heals us of both physical sight and spiritual blindness.“
Prayer: Dear God, I bind the evil spirits that are blinding the minds of the people around me. I pray that they would see clearly, recognize who You are, and give their hearts to You. Remove all hindrances the enemy would use to distract them from Your truth. Open their eyes, Lord, that they might see You — in Jesus’ name. Amen.
With all my love and prayers,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, Ph.D.
Your Darling Bishop (DaBishop)
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Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA
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[Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA distributed for free use by individuals, small groups, families, and Christian churches]
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