Daily Scripture Threshing for Today, Thursday, July 11, 2019
Our Text: Proverbs 3:4-8
Key Verse: Proverbs 3:7 (NLT): “Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.”
Just this past week, I arrived early at my therapist office. A first staff to arrive was by some considerable steps ahead of me. But I noticed cobwebs against two poles just before their door. The young Spanish lady, who was heading hastily for the door drills her bag for her keys while she remained on a phone conversation, and therefore did not notice the cobweb. So, I tried to stop her. “Good morning, ma’am, please watch out for cobwebs on the door. “Cobwebs? What’s that? Do you mean Spider webs?” She responded indifferently while she kept walking. Before i could help her, she arrived at the spot with cobwebs all over her face.
I felt so sorry for her because, not only was her make-up messed up, but she may have got a spider sting. This brief encounter thought me a great lesson about our need to develop a teachable spirit that patiently seek wisdom different than or beyond our own. In today’s text, the attitude recommended by the wise writer is not to feel wise in our own eyes. A humble spirit inclines the ear to wisdom, searching for it like a hidden treasures. (vv.2, 4).
Quote for the Day: “There is no better way to attain honor and a satisfied desire than living with teachable spirit.” (Simon Olatunji)
*Prayer:* Lord help me to humble myself to learn all that I should, not thinking myself more highly than I ought, in Jesus name. Amen.
With all my love and prayer,
Rev Simon Wale Olatunji, PhD
The Darling Bishop (DaBishop),
2321 S Belt Line Rd., Suite 144,
Grand Prairie TX 75051 USA
BBMme: E3F988D2
[Daily Scripture Threshing is a devotional guide of The House of Prayer Evangel Church USA. Feel free to use it in your family altar and personal quiet times; and to contact us for further enquiry, help and partnership.]
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